Today, we are proud to introduce our new brand, RetireeFirst. Over the next few months, you will see RetireeFirst come to life in everything we do, including our website, videos, email, and more. It’s an expression of our promise to continue to support, preserve, and enhance post-retirement health benefits for our clients and membership. While a new brand identity may seem like a big change, the organization you have come to know is not changing. Our leadership, management, staff, and solutions and services will remain the same.
In fact, LaborFirst will remain and will become a division of RetireeFirst, serving the multiemployer union benefit marketplace. It is important to me that we continue to recognize our longstanding heritage serving labor union retirees, ensuring that we never forget where we came from.
I am beyond grateful for our team and clients for sharing my passion for the important work we’re doing. When I first set out to establish this company – working from a laptop in my condo – I knew we had a ways to go, but wholeheartedly believed we’d get there eventually. My biggest inspirational driver was growing up in a household where my father and grandfather were union labor leaders with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. I saw how hard they worked to make an impact, and I took a risk because I knew I had to build on their achievements and do more to help retirees who built our country. Now, as RetireeFirst, the company is ready to build on that legacy. We are cementing our focus and position in the labor sector, and also expanding our business in the public and commercial sectors..
At RetireeFirst, we don’t ever plan to stop evolving. The needs of our clients will continually evolve as regulations, laws, policies and the healthcare industry shift and develop. Therefore, we – as a company, as a brand, as a trusted provider of services – will always anticipate the ways in which we can stay one step ahead of the game, utilizing a proactive strategy to ensure we’re exceeding expectations at every turn. We’re excited for the next leg of our journey and eagerly invite our clients to join us in what certainly will be RetireeFirst’s best chapter yet!
To learn more about the rebrand, check out our official announcement. To keep up with RetireeFirst company news, events and industry trends, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.