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© Copyright 2025 RetireeFirst, LLC.
RetireeFirst partners with commercial organizations across numerous industries to help them preserve benefits for retirees while enabling them to significantly reduce costs and administrative workload. As the leader in retiree benefit management solutions and advocacy services, our clients see immediate savings and members get the hands-on support they deserve.
It’s becoming increasingly challenging for plan sponsors to navigate the retiree benefits landscape and continue providing comprehensive health plans. Benefits managers are tackling rising costs, liabilities, and member needs, and have less time to manage it all. Simply making cuts is not an option.
We wrote the book on retiree health benefits management. For two decades, we’ve been helping organizations of all shapes and sizes design, implement, manage, and administer group retiree healthcare benefits. Our solutions help you seamlessly transition eligible retirees into Medicare, reduce costs and day-to-day administration, and significantly enhance the benefits experience for members.
A Seamless Experience for Retirees
Benefits of RetireeFirst for commercial organization retirees include:
Lower Costs and Fewer Headaches for Companies
Commercial organizations working with RetireeFirst can achieve: